DATAWALK rises 36.6% (62.2) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 12.2% per week. It is -13.6% lower than 52 week high (72.0) 270 days ago, and 107.7% higher than previous year low (29.95) 387 days ago.
DATAWALK rises 36.6% (62.2) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 12.2% per week. It is -13.6% lower than 52 week high (72.0) 270 days ago, and 107.7% higher than previous year low (29.95) 387 days ago.
DATAWALK rises 33.1% (61.9) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 11.0% per week. It is -14.0% lower than 52 week high (72.0) 269 days ago, and 106.7% higher than previous year low (29.95) 386 days ago.
DATAWALK rises 34.0% (63.8) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 11.3% per week. It is -11.4% lower than 52 week high (72.0) 268 days ago, and 113.0% higher than previous year low (29.95) 385 days ago.
DATAWALK rises 37.3% (63.1) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 12.4% per week. It is -12.4% lower than 52 week high (72.0) 267 days ago, and 110.7% higher than previous year low (29.95) 384 days ago.
DATAWALK rises 30.5% (63.7) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 10.2% per week. It is -11.5% lower than 52 week high (72.0) 263 days ago, and 112.7% higher than previous year low (29.95) 380 days ago.
DATAWALK rises 33.6% (64.0) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 11.2% per week. It is -11.1% lower than 52 week high (72.0) 262 days ago, and 113.7% higher than previous year low (29.95) 379 days ago.
DATAWALK rises 13.1% (64.0) over last 3 days.
Volume rises 44.8%. It is -11.1% lower than 52 week high (72.0) 262 days ago, and 113.7% higher than previous year low (29.95) 379 days ago.
DATAWALK rises 16.8% (53.2) over last 4 days.
Volume rises 576.4%. It is -26.1% lower than 52 week high (72.0) 256 days ago, and 77.6% higher than previous year low (29.95) 373 days ago.
DATAWALK rises 33.3% (48.0) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 11.1% per week. It is -33.3% lower than 52 week high (72.0) 235 days ago, and 60.3% higher than 52 week low (29.95) 352 days ago.
DATAWALK rises 34.8% (49.0) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 11.6% per week. It is -31.9% lower than 52 week high (72.0) 234 days ago, and 63.6% higher than 52 week low (29.95) 351 days ago.
DATAWALK rises 39.3% (51.6) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 13.1% per week. It is -28.3% lower than 52 week high (72.0) 233 days ago, and 72.3% higher than 52 week low (29.95) 350 days ago.
DATAWALK rises 13.0% (49.5) since previous day.
Volume rises 275.2%. It is -31.2% lower than 52 week high (72.0) 225 days ago, and 65.3% higher than 52 week low (29.95) 342 days ago.
DATAWALK rises 28.1% (46.1) since previous day.
Volume rises 564.6%. It is -36.0% lower than 52 week high (72.0) 218 days ago, and 53.9% higher than 52 week low (29.95) 335 days ago.
DECORA is at 2 years high (81.8).
52 weeks high is 81.8. Previous year low is 34.5, and 52 weeks low is 49.0. It is 36.3% higher than previous year high (60.0) 419 days ago, and 137.1% higher than previous year low (34.5) 651 days ago. Dividend stock.
DECORA is at 2 years high (81.8).
52 weeks high is 81.8. Previous year low is 34.5, and 52 weeks low is 49.0. It is 36.3% higher than previous year high (60.0) 417 days ago, and 137.1% higher than previous year low (34.5) 649 days ago. Dividend stock.
DECORA is at 2 years high (81.4).
52 weeks high is 81.4. Previous year low is 34.5, and 52 weeks low is 49.0. It is 35.7% higher than previous year high (60.0) 412 days ago, and 135.9% higher than previous year low (34.5) 644 days ago. Dividend stock.
DECORA is at 2 years high (80.6).
52 weeks high is 80.6. Previous year low is 34.0, and 52 weeks low is 49.0. It is 34.3% higher than previous year high (60.0) 411 days ago, and 137.1% higher than previous year low (34.0) 730 days ago. Dividend stock.
DECORA is at 2 years high (80.0).
52 weeks high is 80.0. Previous year low is 34.0, and 52 weeks low is 49.0. It is 33.3% higher than previous year high (60.0) 405 days ago, and 135.3% higher than previous year low (34.0) 724 days ago. Dividend stock.
DECORA is at 2 years high (79.8).
52 weeks high is 79.8. Previous year low is 34.0, and 52 weeks low is 49.0. It is 33.0% higher than previous year high (60.0) 404 days ago, and 134.7% higher than previous year low (34.0) 723 days ago. Dividend stock.
DECORA is at 2 years high (79.0).
52 weeks high is 79.0. Previous year low is 34.0, and 52 weeks low is 49.0. It is 31.7% higher than previous year high (60.0) 403 days ago, and 132.4% higher than previous year low (34.0) 722 days ago. Dividend stock.
DECORA is at 2 years high (75.4).
52 weeks high is 75.4. Previous year low is 34.0, and 52 weeks low is 49.0. It is 25.7% higher than previous year high (60.0) 402 days ago, and 121.8% higher than previous year low (34.0) 721 days ago. Dividend stock.
DECORA is at 2 years high (71.2).
52 weeks high is 71.2. Previous year low is 33.4, and 52 weeks low is 49.0. It is 18.7% higher than previous year high (60.0) 399 days ago, and 113.2% higher than previous year low (33.4) 730 days ago. Dividend stock.
DECORA is at 2 years high (69.2).
52 weeks high is 69.2. Previous year low is 33.4, and 52 weeks low is 49.0. It is 15.3% higher than previous year high (60.0) 398 days ago, and 107.2% higher than previous year low (33.4) 729 days ago. Dividend stock.
DECORA is at 2 years high (68.0).
52 weeks high is 68.0. Previous year low is 33.3, and 52 weeks low is 49.0. It is 13.3% higher than previous year high (60.0) 397 days ago, and 104.2% higher than previous year low (33.3) 730 days ago. Dividend stock.
DECORA is at 2 years high (67.8).
52 weeks high is 67.8. Previous year low is 33.0, and 52 weeks low is 49.0. It is 13.0% higher than previous year high (60.0) 391 days ago, and 105.5% higher than previous year low (33.0) 729 days ago. Dividend stock.
DECORA is at 2 years high (67.6).
52 weeks high is 67.6. Previous year low is 31.8, and 52 weeks low is 49.0. It is 12.7% higher than previous year high (60.0) 390 days ago, and 112.6% higher than previous year low (31.8) 730 days ago. Dividend stock.
DELKO (8.78) rebounds after 2 years low (7.84).
It is 12.0% higher than 52 week low (7.84) 199 days ago, and -23.3% lower than 52 week high (11.45) 364 days ago. Dividend stock.
Digital Network S.A. is at 2 years high (66.6).
52 weeks high is 66.6. Previous year low is 11.75, and 52 weeks low is 36.4. It is 79.0% higher than previous year high (37.2) 366 days ago, and 466.8% higher than previous year low (11.75) 553 days ago.
Digital Network S.A. is at 2 years high (63.0).
52 weeks high is 63.0. Previous year low is 11.75, and 52 weeks low is 36.4. It is 69.4% higher than previous year high (37.2) 365 days ago, and 436.2% higher than previous year low (11.75) 552 days ago.
Digital Network S.A. is at 2 years high (61.8).
52 weeks high is 61.8. Previous year low is 11.75, and 52 weeks low is 35.6. It is 70.7% higher than previous year high (36.2) 366 days ago, and 426.0% higher than previous year low (11.75) 548 days ago.
Digital Network S.A. is at 2 years high (60.2).
52 weeks high is 60.2. Previous year low is 11.75, and 52 weeks low is 35.1. It is 66.3% higher than previous year high (36.2) 365 days ago, and 412.3% higher than previous year low (11.75) 547 days ago.
DAX Index is at 2 years high (21902.4199).
52 weeks high is 21902.4199. Previous year low is 14687.4102, and 52 weeks low is 16880.8301. It is 28.6% higher than previous year high (17033.2402) 366 days ago, and 49.1% higher than previous year low (14687.4102) 468 days ago. Index.
DAX Index is at 2 years high (21732.0508).
52 weeks high is 21732.0508. Previous year low is 14687.4102, and 52 weeks low is 16880.8301. It is 28.0% higher than previous year high (16972.3398) 367 days ago, and 48.0% higher than previous year low (14687.4102) 462 days ago. Index.
DAX Index is at 2 years high (21727.1992).
52 weeks high is 21727.1992. Previous year low is 14687.4102, and 52 weeks low is 16859.0391. It is 28.0% higher than previous year high (16972.3398) 366 days ago, and 47.9% higher than previous year low (14687.4102) 461 days ago. Index.
DAX Index is at 2 years high (21637.5293).
52 weeks high is 21637.5293. Previous year low is 14687.4102, and 52 weeks low is 16859.0391. It is 27.5% higher than previous year high (16972.3398) 365 days ago, and 47.3% higher than previous year low (14687.4102) 460 days ago. Index.
DAX Index is at 2 years high (21430.5801).
52 weeks high is 21430.5801. Previous year low is 14687.4102, and 52 weeks low is 16859.0391. It is 26.3% higher than previous year high (16972.3398) 364 days ago, and 45.9% higher than previous year low (14687.4102) 459 days ago. Index.
DAX Index is at 2 years high (21411.5293).
52 weeks high is 21411.5293. Previous year low is 14687.4102, and 52 weeks low is 16859.0391. It is 26.6% higher than previous year high (16906.9199) 364 days ago, and 45.8% higher than previous year low (14687.4102) 454 days ago. Index.
DAX Index is at 2 years high (21254.2695).
52 weeks high is 21254.2695. Previous year low is 14687.4102, and 52 weeks low is 16859.0391. It is 25.8% higher than previous year high (16889.9199) 364 days ago, and 44.7% higher than previous year low (14687.4102) 453 days ago. Index.
DAX Index is at 2 years high (21042.0).
52 weeks high is 21042.0. Previous year low is 14687.4102, and 52 weeks low is 16627.0898. It is 25.3% higher than previous year high (16794.4297) 407 days ago, and 43.3% higher than previous year low (14687.4102) 452 days ago. Index.
DAX Index is at 2 years high (20990.3105).
52 weeks high is 20990.3105. Previous year low is 14687.4102, and 52 weeks low is 16627.0898. It is 25.0% higher than previous year high (16794.4297) 406 days ago, and 42.9% higher than previous year low (14687.4102) 451 days ago. Index.
DAX Index is at 2 years high (20903.3906).
52 weeks high is 20903.3906. Previous year low is 14687.4102, and 52 weeks low is 16555.1309. It is 24.5% higher than previous year high (16794.4297) 403 days ago, and 42.3% higher than previous year low (14687.4102) 448 days ago. Index.
DAX Index is at 2 years high (20655.3906).
52 weeks high is 20655.3906. Previous year low is 14687.4102, and 52 weeks low is 16555.1309. It is 23.0% higher than previous year high (16794.4297) 402 days ago, and 40.6% higher than previous year low (14687.4102) 447 days ago. Index.
DAX Index is at 2 years high (20574.6797).
52 weeks high is 20574.6797. Previous year low is 14687.4102, and 52 weeks low is 16431.6895. It is 22.5% higher than previous year high (16794.4297) 401 days ago, and 40.1% higher than previous year low (14687.4102) 446 days ago. Index.
DAX Index is at 2 years high (20426.2695).
52 weeks high is 20426.2695. Previous year low is 13884.66, and 52 weeks low is 16431.6895. It is 21.6% higher than previous year high (16794.4297) 367 days ago, and 47.1% higher than previous year low (13884.66) 723 days ago. Index.
DAX Index is at 2 years high (20399.1602).
52 weeks high is 20399.1602. Previous year low is 13884.66, and 52 weeks low is 16431.6895. It is 21.5% higher than previous year high (16794.4297) 366 days ago, and 46.9% higher than previous year low (13884.66) 722 days ago. Index.
DAX Index is at 2 years high (20384.6094).
52 weeks high is 20384.6094. Previous year low is 13884.66, and 52 weeks low is 16431.6895. It is 21.6% higher than previous year high (16759.2207) 364 days ago, and 46.8% higher than previous year low (13884.66) 717 days ago. Index.
DAX Index is at 2 years high (20358.8008).
52 weeks high is 20358.8008. Previous year low is 13884.66, and 52 weeks low is 16431.6895. It is 22.2% higher than previous year high (16656.4395) 365 days ago, and 46.6% higher than previous year low (13884.66) 716 days ago. Index.
DAX Index is at 2 years high (20232.1406).
52 weeks high is 20232.1406. Previous year low is 13884.66, and 52 weeks low is 16431.6895. It is 21.5% higher than previous year high (16656.4395) 364 days ago, and 45.7% higher than previous year low (13884.66) 715 days ago. Index.
DAX Index is at 2 years high (20016.75).
52 weeks high is 20016.75. Previous year low is 13884.66, and 52 weeks low is 16431.6895. It is 21.1% higher than previous year high (16533.1094) 364 days ago, and 44.2% higher than previous year low (13884.66) 714 days ago. Index.
DAX Index is at 2 years high (19933.6191).
52 weeks high is 19933.6191. Previous year low is 13884.66, and 52 weeks low is 16404.7598. It is 21.0% higher than previous year high (16469.75) 493 days ago, and 43.6% higher than previous year low (13884.66) 713 days ago. Index.
Diamondback Energy Inc (166.78) rebounds after 52 weeks low (149.62).
It is -1.8% lower than previous year high (169.92) 442 days ago, and 35.9% higher than previous year low (122.74) 659 days ago. Dividend stock.
Deere & Company is at 2 years high (484.15).
52 weeks high is 484.15. Previous year low is 345.98, and 52 weeks low is 344.84. It is 8.5% higher than previous year high (446.33) 552 days ago, and 40.4% higher than 52 week low (344.84) 175 days ago. Dividend stock.
Deere & Company is at 2 years high (478.77).
52 weeks high is 478.77. Previous year low is 345.98, and 52 weeks low is 344.84. It is 7.3% higher than previous year high (446.33) 549 days ago, and 38.8% higher than 52 week low (344.84) 172 days ago. Dividend stock.
Deere & Company is at 2 years high (474.72).
52 weeks high is 474.72. Previous year low is 345.98, and 52 weeks low is 344.84. It is 6.4% higher than previous year high (446.33) 548 days ago, and 37.7% higher than 52 week low (344.84) 171 days ago. Dividend stock.
Deere & Company (418.0) drops after 2 years high (466.0).
It is -6.3% lower than previous year high (446.33) 531 days ago, and 21.2% higher than 52 week low (344.84) 154 days ago. Dividend stock.
Deere & Company (418.18) drops after 2 years high (466.0).
It is -6.3% lower than previous year high (446.33) 527 days ago, and 21.3% higher than 52 week low (344.84) 150 days ago. Dividend stock.
Deere & Company is at 2 years high (466.0).
52 weeks high is 466.0. Previous year low is 345.98, and 52 weeks low is 344.84. It is 4.4% higher than previous year high (446.33) 491 days ago, and 35.1% higher than 52 week low (344.84) 114 days ago. Dividend stock.
Deere & Company is at 2 years high (462.69).
52 weeks high is 462.69. Previous year low is 345.98, and 52 weeks low is 344.84. It is 3.7% higher than previous year high (446.33) 489 days ago, and 34.2% higher than 52 week low (344.84) 112 days ago. Dividend stock.
Deere & Company is at 2 years high (446.65).
52 weeks high is 446.65. Previous year low is 345.98, and 52 weeks low is 344.84. It is 0.1% higher than previous year high (446.33) 486 days ago, and 29.5% higher than 52 week low (344.84) 109 days ago. Dividend stock.
Deere & Company is at 52 week high (437.54).
It is -2.0% lower than previous year high (446.33), and 26.9% higher than 52 weeks low (344.84) 108 days ago. Dividend stock.
Diageo plc is at 2 years low (111.47).
52 weeks low is 111.47. Previous year high is 189.25, and 52 weeks high is 154.69.
Diageo plc is at 2 years low (114.5).
52 weeks low is 114.5. Previous year high is 189.25, and 52 weeks high is 154.69.
Diageo plc is at 2 years low (116.67).
52 weeks low is 116.67. Previous year high is 189.25, and 52 weeks high is 154.69.
Diageo plc (131.45) rebounds after 2 years low (118.0).
It is 11.4% higher than 52 week low (118.0) 9 days ago, and -15.0% lower than 52 week high (154.69) 290 days ago.
Diageo plc is at 2 years low (118.0).
52 weeks low is 118.0. Previous year high is 189.25, and 52 weeks high is 154.69.
Diageo plc is at 2 years low (118.1).
52 weeks low is 118.1. Previous year high is 191.39, and 52 weeks high is 154.69.
Diageo plc is at 2 years low (118.16).
52 weeks low is 118.16. Previous year high is 191.39, and 52 weeks high is 154.69.
Diageo plc is at 2 years low (119.15).
52 weeks low is 119.15. Previous year high is 191.39, and 52 weeks high is 154.69.
Danaher Corp is at 52 week low (210.01).
It is 13.5% higher than previous year low (185.1), and -25.2% lower than 52 weeks high (280.76) 189 days ago.
Danaher Corp is at 52 week low (212.13).
It is 14.6% higher than previous year low (185.1), and -24.4% lower than 52 weeks high (280.76) 188 days ago.
Danaher Corp is at 52 week low (214.26).
It is 15.8% higher than previous year low (185.1), and -23.7% lower than 52 weeks high (280.76) 186 days ago.
Danaher Corp is at 52 week low (222.74).
It is 20.3% higher than previous year low (185.1), and -20.7% lower than 52 weeks high (280.76) 183 days ago.
Danaher Corp is at 52 week low (223.08).
It is 20.5% higher than previous year low (185.1), and -20.5% lower than 52 weeks high (280.76) 182 days ago.
Danaher Corp is at 52 week low (223.73).
It is 20.9% higher than previous year low (185.1), and -20.3% lower than 52 weeks high (280.76) 181 days ago.
Danaher Corp (250.59) rebounds after 52 weeks low (226.16).
It is -7.4% lower than previous year high (270.68) 725 days ago, and 35.4% higher than previous year low (185.1) 455 days ago.
Danaher Corp (239.69) rebounds after 52 weeks low (217.49).
It is -13.5% lower than previous year high (277.0) 676 days ago, and 29.5% higher than previous year low (185.1) 396 days ago.
Dominos Pizza Inc (450.8) rebounds after 52 weeks low (402.33).
It is 3.7% higher than previous year high (434.74) 366 days ago, and 55.5% higher than previous year low (289.85) 610 days ago.
Dominos Pizza Inc (447.76) rebounds after 52 weeks low (402.33).
It is 4.6% higher than previous year high (428.01) 367 days ago, and 54.5% higher than previous year low (289.85) 603 days ago.
Dominos Pizza Inc is at 52 week low (402.33).
It is 38.8% higher than previous year low (289.85), and -24.6% lower than 52 weeks high (533.64) 206 days ago.
DaVita Inc is at 2 years high (177.35).
52 weeks high is 177.35. Previous year low is 73.2, and 52 weeks low is 109.86. It is 57.4% higher than previous year high (112.68) 547 days ago, and 142.3% higher than previous year low (73.2) 480 days ago.
DaVita Inc is at 2 years high (177.06).
52 weeks high is 177.06. Previous year low is 73.2, and 52 weeks low is 109.86. It is 57.1% higher than previous year high (112.68) 546 days ago, and 141.9% higher than previous year low (73.2) 479 days ago.
DaVita Inc is at 2 years high (176.5).
52 weeks high is 176.5. Previous year low is 73.2, and 52 weeks low is 109.86. It is 56.6% higher than previous year high (112.68) 542 days ago, and 141.1% higher than previous year low (73.2) 475 days ago.
DaVita Inc is at 2 years high (175.53).
52 weeks high is 175.53. Previous year low is 73.2, and 52 weeks low is 107.52. It is 55.8% higher than previous year high (112.68) 539 days ago, and 139.8% higher than previous year low (73.2) 472 days ago.
DaVita Inc is at 2 years high (170.28).
52 weeks high is 170.28. Previous year low is 73.2, and 52 weeks low is 107.17. It is 51.1% higher than previous year high (112.68) 536 days ago, and 132.6% higher than previous year low (73.2) 469 days ago.
DaVita Inc is at 2 years high (169.97).
52 weeks high is 169.97. Previous year low is 73.2, and 52 weeks low is 103.89. It is 50.8% higher than previous year high (112.68) 533 days ago, and 132.2% higher than previous year low (73.2) 466 days ago.
DaVita Inc (149.79) drops after 2 years high (167.96).
It is 32.9% higher than previous year high (112.68) 511 days ago, and 104.6% higher than previous year low (73.2) 444 days ago.
DaVita Inc (150.59) drops after 2 years high (167.96).
It is 33.6% higher than previous year high (112.68) 497 days ago, and 112.6% higher than previous year low (70.82) 727 days ago.
DaVita Inc is at 2 years high (167.96).
52 weeks high is 167.96. Previous year low is 70.82, and 52 weeks low is 99.61. It is 49.1% higher than previous year high (112.68) 477 days ago, and 137.2% higher than previous year low (70.82) 707 days ago.
DaVita Inc is at 2 years high (166.99).
52 weeks high is 166.99. Previous year low is 70.82, and 52 weeks low is 99.39. It is 48.2% higher than previous year high (112.68) 476 days ago, and 135.8% higher than previous year low (70.82) 706 days ago.
DaVita Inc is at 2 years high (165.51).
52 weeks high is 165.51. Previous year low is 70.82, and 52 weeks low is 99.26. It is 46.9% higher than previous year high (112.68) 473 days ago, and 133.7% higher than previous year low (70.82) 703 days ago.