INPOST SA (16.58) drops after 2 years high (18.72).
It is 10.4% higher than previous year high (15.015) 367 days ago, and 124.8% higher than previous year low (7.376) 713 days ago.
INPOST SA (16.58) drops after 2 years high (18.72).
It is 10.4% higher than previous year high (15.015) 367 days ago, and 124.8% higher than previous year low (7.376) 713 days ago.
INPOST SA (16.62) drops after 2 years high (18.72).
It is 27.8% higher than previous year high (13.005) 364 days ago, and 125.3% higher than previous year low (7.376) 664 days ago.
IMCOMPANY (28.5) drops after 2 years high (32.2).
It is 46.5% higher than previous year high (19.45) 672 days ago, and 258.0% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 298 days ago.
IMCOMPANY rises 12.6% (27.7) since previous day.
Volume rises 25.1%. It is 42.4% higher than previous year high (19.45) 667 days ago, and 248.0% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 293 days ago.
IMCOMPANY (25.1) drops after 2 years high (32.2).
It is 29.0% higher than previous year high (19.45) 665 days ago, and 215.3% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 291 days ago.
IMCOMPANY drops -15.5% (25.1) over last 3 days.
Volume drops -19.7%. It is 29.0% higher than previous year high (19.45) 665 days ago, and 215.3% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 291 days ago.
IMCOMPANY rises 38.0% (29.8) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 12.7% per week. It is 53.2% higher than previous year high (19.45) 661 days ago, and 274.4% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 287 days ago.
IMCOMPANY rises 46.7% (30.8) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 15.6% per week. It is 58.4% higher than previous year high (19.45) 660 days ago, and 286.9% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 286 days ago.
IMCOMPANY rises 72.9% (30.0) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 24.3% per week. It is 54.2% higher than previous year high (19.45) 659 days ago, and 276.9% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 285 days ago.
IMCOMPANY is at 2 years high (32.2).
52 weeks high is 32.2. Previous year low is 8.26, and 52 weeks low is 7.96. It is 65.6% higher than previous year high (19.45) 658 days ago, and 304.5% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 284 days ago.
IMCOMPANY rises 85.1% (32.2) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 28.4% per week.
IMCOMPANY is at 2 years high (31.0).
52 weeks high is 31.0. Previous year low is 8.26, and 52 weeks low is 7.96. It is 59.4% higher than previous year high (19.45) 655 days ago, and 289.4% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 281 days ago.
IMCOMPANY rises 78.7% (31.0) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 26.2% per week.
IMCOMPANY rises 21.1% (31.0) since previous day.
Volume rises 118.6%.
IMCOMPANY rises 43.8% (25.6) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 14.6% per week. It is 31.6% higher than previous year high (19.45) 654 days ago, and 221.6% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 280 days ago.
IMCOMPANY (26.0) drops after 2 years high (29.5).
It is 33.7% higher than previous year high (19.45) 653 days ago, and 226.6% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 279 days ago.
IMCOMPANY rises 42.9% (26.0) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 14.3% per week. It is 33.7% higher than previous year high (19.45) 653 days ago, and 226.6% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 279 days ago.
IMCOMPANY drops -11.9% (26.0) since previous day.
Volume rises 22.2%. It is 33.7% higher than previous year high (19.45) 653 days ago, and 226.6% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 279 days ago.
IMCOMPANY is at 2 years high (29.5).
52 weeks high is 29.5. Previous year low is 8.26, and 52 weeks low is 7.96. It is 51.7% higher than previous year high (19.45) 652 days ago, and 270.6% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 278 days ago.
IMCOMPANY rises 62.1% (29.5) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 20.7% per week.
IMCOMPANY is at 2 years high (27.4).
52 weeks high is 27.4. Previous year low is 8.26, and 52 weeks low is 7.96. It is 40.9% higher than previous year high (19.45) 651 days ago, and 244.2% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 277 days ago.
IMCOMPANY rises 49.7% (27.4) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 16.6% per week.
IMCOMPANY is at 2 years high (25.3).
52 weeks high is 25.3. Previous year low is 8.26, and 52 weeks low is 7.96. It is 30.1% higher than previous year high (19.45) 648 days ago, and 217.8% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 274 days ago.
IMCOMPANY rises 43.8% (25.3) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 14.6% per week.
IMCOMPANY is at 2 years high (24.4).
52 weeks high is 24.4. Previous year low is 8.26, and 52 weeks low is 7.96. It is 25.4% higher than previous year high (19.45) 647 days ago, and 206.5% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 273 days ago.
IMCOMPANY rises 37.9% (24.4) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 12.6% per week.
IMCOMPANY rises 13.5% (24.4) since previous day.
Volume rises 139.7%.
IMCOMPANY (21.5) drops after 2 years high (24.0).
It is 10.5% higher than previous year high (19.45) 646 days ago, and 170.1% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 272 days ago.
IMCOMPANY is at 2 years high (24.0).
52 weeks high is 24.0. Previous year low is 8.26, and 52 weeks low is 7.96. It is 23.4% higher than previous year high (19.45) 644 days ago, and 201.5% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 270 days ago.
IMCOMPANY rises 31.9% (24.0) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 10.6% per week.
IMCOMPANY rises 11.1% (24.0) over last 3 days.
Volume rises 78.3%.
IMCOMPANY is at 2 years high (21.6).
52 weeks high is 21.6. Previous year low is 8.26, and 52 weeks low is 7.96. It is 11.1% higher than previous year high (19.45) 641 days ago, and 171.4% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 267 days ago.
IMCOMPANY is at 2 years high (21.0).
52 weeks high is 21.0. Previous year low is 8.26, and 52 weeks low is 7.96. It is 8.0% higher than previous year high (19.45) 640 days ago, and 163.8% higher than 52 week low (7.96) 266 days ago.
IMCOMPANY rises 21.0% (21.0) since previous day.
Volume rises 2819.0%.
IMCOMPANY is at 52 week high (18.9).
It is -2.8% lower than previous year high (19.45), and 137.4% higher than 52 weeks low (7.96) 242 days ago.
IMCOMPANY is at 52 week high (18.35).
It is -5.7% lower than previous year high (19.45), and 130.5% higher than 52 weeks low (7.96) 239 days ago.
IMCOMPANY is at 52 week high (17.65).
It is -9.3% lower than previous year high (19.45), and 121.7% higher than 52 weeks low (7.96) 238 days ago.
IMCOMPANY is at 52 week high (16.6).
It is -14.7% lower than previous year high (19.45), and 108.5% higher than 52 weeks low (7.96) 231 days ago.
IMCOMPANY is at 52 week high (16.5).
It is -15.2% lower than previous year high (19.45), and 107.3% higher than 52 weeks low (7.96) 216 days ago.
IMCOMPANY is at 52 week high (16.35).
It is -15.9% lower than previous year high (19.45), and 105.4% higher than 52 weeks low (7.96) 215 days ago.
IMCOMPANY is at 52 week high (16.3).
It is -16.2% lower than previous year high (19.45), and 104.8% higher than 52 weeks low (7.96) 210 days ago.
INC rises 70.9% (2.64) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 23.6% per week. It is -14.6% lower than 52 week high (3.09) 344 days ago, and 84.6% higher than 52 week low (1.43) 48 days ago.
INC rises 62.8% (2.58) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 20.9% per week. It is -16.5% lower than 52 week high (3.09) 343 days ago, and 80.4% higher than 52 week low (1.43) 47 days ago.
INC rises 53.7% (2.42) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 17.9% per week. It is -21.7% lower than 52 week high (3.09) 342 days ago, and 69.2% higher than 52 week low (1.43) 46 days ago.
INC rises 15.8% (2.42) since previous day.
Volume rises 35.5%. It is -21.7% lower than 52 week high (3.09) 342 days ago, and 69.2% higher than 52 week low (1.43) 46 days ago.
INC rises 31.0% (2.09) over last 20 days.
It rises on average 10.3% per week. It is -32.4% lower than 52 week high (3.09) 341 days ago, and 46.2% higher than 52 week low (1.43) 45 days ago.
INC rises 11.5% (2.09) over last 3 days.
Volume rises 84.2%. It is -32.4% lower than 52 week high (3.09) 341 days ago, and 46.2% higher than 52 week low (1.43) 45 days ago.
INC (1.595) rebounds after 2 years low (1.43).
It is 11.5% higher than 52 week low (1.43) 31 days ago, and -48.4% lower than 52 week high (3.09) 327 days ago.
INC (1.595) rebounds after 2 years low (1.43).
It is 11.5% higher than 52 week low (1.43) 25 days ago, and -48.4% lower than 52 week high (3.09) 321 days ago.
INC (1.6) rebounds after 2 years low (1.43).
It is 11.9% higher than 52 week low (1.43) 13 days ago, and -48.2% lower than 52 week high (3.09) 309 days ago.
INC is at 2 years low (1.43).
52 weeks low is 1.43. Previous year high is 3.6, and 52 weeks high is 3.09.
INC is at 2 years low (1.46).
52 weeks low is 1.46. Previous year high is 3.6, and 52 weeks high is 3.09.
INC is at 2 years low (1.49).
52 weeks low is 1.49. Previous year high is 3.6, and 52 weeks high is 3.09.
INC is at 2 years low (1.49).
52 weeks low is 1.49. Previous year high is 3.6, and 52 weeks high is 3.09.
INC is at 2 years low (1.555).
52 weeks low is 1.555. Previous year high is 3.6, and 52 weeks high is 3.09.
INC is at 2 years low (1.58).
52 weeks low is 1.58. Previous year high is 3.6, and 52 weeks high is 3.09.
INSTALKRK (38.2) rebounds after 52 weeks low (34.7).
It is -23.3% lower than previous year high (49.8) 448 days ago, and 26.1% higher than previous year low (30.3) 728 days ago. Dividend stock.
INSTALKRK (38.5) rebounds after 52 weeks low (34.7).
It is -22.7% lower than previous year high (49.8) 413 days ago, and 27.1% higher than previous year low (30.3) 693 days ago. Dividend stock.
INTROL (9.3) rebounds after 52 weeks low (8.42).
It is -2.9% lower than previous year high (9.58) 364 days ago, and 70.3% higher than previous year low (5.46) 730 days ago. Dividend stock.
INTROL (9.28) rebounds after 52 weeks low (8.42).
It is -3.1% lower than previous year high (9.58) 383 days ago, and 70.0% higher than previous year low (5.46) 728 days ago. Dividend stock.
INTROL (9.3) rebounds after 52 weeks low (8.42).
It is -2.9% lower than previous year high (9.58) 378 days ago, and 71.6% higher than previous year low (5.42) 729 days ago. Dividend stock.
INTROL (9.32) rebounds after 52 weeks low (8.42).
It is -2.7% lower than previous year high (9.58) 370 days ago, and 72.0% higher than previous year low (5.42) 721 days ago. Dividend stock.
INPRO is at 52 week low (6.05).
It is 23.5% higher than previous year low (4.9), and -25.3% lower than 52 weeks high (8.1) 258 days ago. Dividend stock.
IPOPEMA (2.65) rebounds after 52 weeks low (2.36).
It is 22.7% higher than previous year low (2.16) 724 days ago, and -34.6% lower than 52 week high (4.05) 364 days ago. Dividend stock!.
IPOPEMA is at 52 week low (2.36).
It is 18.0% higher than previous year low (2.0), and -41.9% lower than 52 weeks high (4.06) 352 days ago. Dividend stock!.
IPOPEMA is at 52 week low (2.47).
It is 23.5% higher than previous year low (2.0), and -39.2% lower than 52 weeks high (4.06) 351 days ago. Dividend stock!.
IPOPEMA is at 52 week low (2.47).
It is 23.5% higher than previous year low (2.0), and -39.2% lower than 52 weeks high (4.06) 350 days ago. Dividend stock!.
IPOPEMA is at 52 week low (2.48).
It is 24.0% higher than previous year low (2.0), and -38.9% lower than 52 weeks high (4.06) 349 days ago. Dividend stock!.
IPOPEMA is at 52 week low (2.53).
It is 26.5% higher than previous year low (2.0), and -37.7% lower than 52 weeks high (4.06) 348 days ago. Dividend stock!.
IPOPEMA is at 52 week low (2.55).
It is 27.5% higher than previous year low (2.0), and -37.2% lower than 52 weeks high (4.06) 345 days ago. Dividend stock!.
IPOPEMA is at 52 week low (2.58).
It is 29.0% higher than previous year low (2.0), and -36.5% lower than 52 weeks high (4.06) 344 days ago. Dividend stock!.
IZOBLOK (39.0) rebounds after 52 weeks low (35.0).
It is 17.8% higher than previous year low (33.1) 700 days ago, and -22.0% lower than previous year high (50.0) 441 days ago.
IZOBLOK (40.8) rebounds after 52 weeks low (35.0).
It is -18.4% lower than previous year high (50.0) 406 days ago, and 23.3% higher than previous year low (33.1) 665 days ago.
IZOBLOK (38.8) rebounds after 52 weeks low (35.0).
It is 17.2% higher than previous year low (33.1) 642 days ago, and -22.4% lower than previous year high (50.0) 383 days ago.
IZOBLOK (39.0) rebounds after 52 weeks low (35.0).
It is 17.8% higher than previous year low (33.1) 631 days ago, and -22.0% lower than previous year high (50.0) 372 days ago.
IZOBLOK is at 52 week low (35.0).
It is 5.7% higher than previous year low (33.1), and -42.6% lower than 52 weeks high (61.0) 127 days ago.
IZOBLOK is at 52 week low (35.6).
It is 7.6% higher than previous year low (33.1), and -41.6% lower than 52 weeks high (61.0) 126 days ago.
IZOBLOK is at 52 week low (37.6).
It is 13.6% higher than previous year low (33.1), and -38.4% lower than 52 weeks high (61.0) 125 days ago.
IZOBLOK is at 52 week low (37.6).
It is 13.6% higher than previous year low (33.1), and -38.4% lower than 52 weeks high (61.0) 122 days ago.
IZOBLOK is at 52 week low (38.0).
It is 14.8% higher than previous year low (33.1), and -37.7% lower than 52 weeks high (61.0) 121 days ago.
IZOSTAL (2.67) drops after 52 weeks high (3.0).
It is 10.3% higher than 52 week low (2.42) 71 days ago, and -11.0% lower than 52 week high (3.0) 287 days ago. Dividend stock.
IZOSTAL (2.7) rebounds after 2 years low (2.42).
It is -10.0% lower than 52 week high (3.0) 272 days ago, and 11.6% higher than 52 week low (2.42) 56 days ago. Dividend stock.
IZOSTAL is at 52 week low (2.42).
It is 7.1% higher than previous year low (2.26), and -19.3% lower than 52 weeks high (3.0) 216 days ago. Dividend stock.
IZOSTAL is at 52 week low (2.45).
It is 8.4% higher than previous year low (2.26), and -18.3% lower than 52 weeks high (3.0) 213 days ago. Dividend stock.
Invesco QQQ Trust Series 1 (472.73) drops after 2 years high (539.52).
It is 6.1% higher than previous year high (445.61) 374 days ago, and 62.6% higher than previous year low (290.69) 728 days ago.
Invesco QQQ Trust Series 1 is at 2 years high (539.52).
52 weeks high is 539.52. Previous year low is 288.55, and 52 weeks low is 414.65. It is 23.4% higher than previous year high (437.05) 376 days ago, and 87.0% higher than previous year low (288.55) 712 days ago.
Invesco QQQ Trust Series 1 is at 2 years high (539.37).
52 weeks high is 539.37. Previous year low is 288.55, and 52 weeks low is 414.65. It is 23.4% higher than previous year high (437.05) 375 days ago, and 86.9% higher than previous year low (288.55) 711 days ago.
Invesco QQQ Trust Series 1 is at 2 years high (538.17).
52 weeks high is 538.17. Previous year low is 260.1, and 52 weeks low is 396.28. It is 32.2% higher than previous year high (407.08) 364 days ago, and 106.9% higher than previous year low (260.1) 719 days ago.
Invesco QQQ Trust Series 1 is at 2 years high (530.53).
52 weeks high is 530.53. Previous year low is 260.1, and 52 weeks low is 396.28. It is 30.9% higher than previous year high (405.34) 364 days ago, and 104.0% higher than previous year low (260.1) 716 days ago.
iShares U.S. Technology ETF (147.47) drops after 2 years high (166.79).
It is 8.9% higher than previous year high (135.42) 364 days ago, and 78.4% higher than previous year low (82.67) 727 days ago.
iShares U.S. Technology ETF (149.91) drops after 2 years high (166.79).
It is 10.7% higher than previous year high (135.41) 367 days ago, and 81.3% higher than previous year low (82.67) 724 days ago.
iShares U.S. Technology ETF is at 2 years high (166.79).
52 weeks high is 166.79. Previous year low is 82.67, and 52 weeks low is 124.75. It is 24.1% higher than previous year high (134.45) 375 days ago, and 101.8% higher than previous year low (82.67) 711 days ago.
iShares U.S. Technology ETF is at 2 years high (166.23).
52 weeks high is 166.23. Previous year low is 72.4, and 52 weeks low is 117.5. It is 36.0% higher than previous year high (122.24) 364 days ago, and 129.6% higher than previous year low (72.4) 719 days ago.
iShares Edge MSCI EM Value Factor UCITS ETF USD (A is at 2 years high (50.02).
52 weeks high is 50.02. Previous year low is 35.105, and 52 weeks low is 40.48. It is 21.2% higher than previous year high (41.275) 364 days ago, and 42.5% higher than previous year low (35.105) 692 days ago.
iShares Edge MSCI EM Value Factor UCITS ETF USD (A is at 2 years high (49.525).
52 weeks high is 49.525. Previous year low is 35.105, and 52 weeks low is 40.48. It is 20.8% higher than previous year high (41.01) 367 days ago, and 41.1% higher than previous year low (35.105) 689 days ago.
iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD is at 2 years high (44.42).
52 weeks high is 44.42. Previous year low is 31.985, and 52 weeks low is 36.98. It is 15.2% higher than previous year high (38.565) 364 days ago, and 38.9% higher than previous year low (31.985) 710 days ago.
iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD is at 2 years high (44.4).
52 weeks high is 44.4. Previous year low is 31.985, and 52 weeks low is 36.98. It is 16.0% higher than previous year high (38.28) 370 days ago, and 38.8% higher than previous year low (31.985) 706 days ago.
iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD is at 2 years high (44.275).
52 weeks high is 44.275. Previous year low is 31.985, and 52 weeks low is 36.98. It is 15.7% higher than previous year high (38.28) 369 days ago, and 38.4% higher than previous year low (31.985) 705 days ago.
iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD is at 2 years high (43.545).
52 weeks high is 43.545. Previous year low is 31.985, and 52 weeks low is 36.98. It is 15.0% higher than previous year high (37.86) 365 days ago, and 36.1% higher than previous year low (31.985) 690 days ago.
iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD is at 2 years high (43.42).
52 weeks high is 43.42. Previous year low is 31.985, and 52 weeks low is 36.98. It is 14.7% higher than previous year high (37.86) 364 days ago, and 35.8% higher than previous year low (31.985) 689 days ago.
iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD is at 2 years high (43.37).
52 weeks high is 43.37. Previous year low is 31.985, and 52 weeks low is 36.98. It is 15.1% higher than previous year high (37.67) 372 days ago, and 35.6% higher than previous year low (31.985) 685 days ago.
iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD is at 2 years high (43.07).
52 weeks high is 43.07. Previous year low is 31.985, and 52 weeks low is 36.98. It is 14.3% higher than previous year high (37.67) 366 days ago, and 34.7% higher than previous year low (31.985) 679 days ago.
iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD is at 2 years high (42.94).
52 weeks high is 42.94. Previous year low is 31.985, and 52 weeks low is 36.98. It is 14.0% higher than previous year high (37.67) 365 days ago, and 34.3% higher than previous year low (31.985) 678 days ago.
iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD is at 2 years high (42.685).
52 weeks high is 42.685. Previous year low is 31.985, and 52 weeks low is 36.98. It is 13.3% higher than previous year high (37.67) 364 days ago, and 33.5% higher than previous year low (31.985) 677 days ago.
iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD is at 2 years high (42.455).
52 weeks high is 42.455. Previous year low is 31.985, and 52 weeks low is 36.98. It is 13.0% higher than previous year high (37.57) 364 days ago, and 32.7% higher than previous year low (31.985) 671 days ago.
iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD is at 2 years high (42.37).
52 weeks high is 42.37. Previous year low is 31.985, and 52 weeks low is 36.98. It is 13.7% higher than previous year high (37.265) 364 days ago, and 32.5% higher than previous year low (31.985) 669 days ago.
iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD is at 2 years high (42.265).
52 weeks high is 42.265. Previous year low is 31.985, and 52 weeks low is 36.795. It is 13.6% higher than previous year high (37.21) 375 days ago, and 32.1% higher than previous year low (31.985) 665 days ago.